As Catholics, we believe in the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. Thus, we have developed a number of programs that affirm life in all its stages. These include our supportive programs for new mothers and moms-to-be.

Women’s Support Centers
Through our Women’s Support Centers (WSCs), we provide counseling, medical referrals, vitamins, and other assistance to women seeking an alternative to abortion. In addition, we provide information on a range of topics including fetal development, post-abortion syndrome, family values, and breast feeding.
We have helped to start WSCs all throughout the Russian Far East. In some cases, the local parishes have then taken on the responsibility of supporting the nearest centers, but we still cover the costs for several sites.
In 2004, we brought Rachel’s Vineyard retreats to Vladivostok. Two of our WSC workers first attended a retreat in Magadan led by one of our friends from Alaska. A month later, they assisted the same retreat master in presenting the program in Vladivostok. Judging from the responses of participants, the retreats have been enormously helpful with both psychological and spiritual healing.
In an effort to become self-supporting, the WSC staff members accept donations of cash, diapers, and gently used baby clothing, toys, and bedding. In a single year, the donations generally come to more than $1,200 in cash and over $2,800 in baby items. Most donors are mothers who have been helped by the centers. But we’ve also had some surprise donations, such as a shipment of new shoes (seized as contraband at the border and given to us) and cartons of chocolate candy (that a store owner could not sell because of Covid lockdowns)! We were able to sell much of the merchandise, and gave away many items to those in need.
The cost of running 1 center varies between $630 and $850 a month and each center provides more than 200 services monthly.

This program lets donors provide for a medication packet for a mother and her baby at the hospital. The packet includes cleansing agents, sutures, antibiotics, and pain medications. The packet is only $50, but this is often a tremendous help to needy moms. In 2020, the number of babies saved from abortion through this fund surpassed 3,000 babies!
A $125 donation covers the costs of care during pregnancy and help after the baby is born. It includes nutritional supplements, vitamins for the mother and infant, baby clothes, diapers, and other supplies for the new baby and mom.
To donate to the pro-life cause, click below.